Side Effects in Dermatology
10th edition

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Side Effects in Dermatology, 10th and fully revised edition, 2014,
The File of Adverse Reactions of Medicines,
iv + 168 p. 14 x 22,5 cm, soft cover, index, ref.
ISBN: 978.90.5884.000.4

Editorial board
Mieke Mulder, M.D., AMC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Marcus Meinardi, M.D., PhD, Mauritskliniek, The Hague, The Netherlands
Derk Bruynzeel, Prof.(em.), Abcoude, The Netherlands

Table of Content
1.0. Description of Clinical Patterns
1.1. Acne
1.2. Bullous Eruptions
1.3. Drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome (DIHS)
1.4. Exanthema and dermatitis
1.5. Fixed drug eruptions (FDE)
1.6. Granulomatous drug reactions (GDR)
1.7. Hair changes
1.8. Lichenoid drug reactions
1.9. Lupus erythematosus
1.10. Lymphoproliferative disorders
1.11. Nail changes
1.12. Oral lesions
1.13. Photosensitivity
1.14. Pigmentary disorders
1.15. Psoriasis
1.16. Purpura
1.17. Scleroderma
1.18. Severe cutaneous adverse reactions (SCAR)
1.19. Urticaria
1.20. Vascular reactions
2.0. List of Cutaneous Adverse Reactions
3.0. List of Drugs
4.0. References

1st edition 1973
2nd edition 1977
3rd edition 1982
4th edition 1987
5th edition 1990
6th edition 1996
7th edition 2000
8th edition 2004
9th edition 2009
10th edition 2014